Yes, believe it or not you can free yourself from the grind of a J.O.B. or unemployment. I’ve done it, you can too. No more putting in the hours to build someone else’s dream (isn’t that the worst?). While I don’t have a “get rich quick” scheme to share, I do have …
Ep33: Ken in L.A. Left His Corporate Job and Does Three 9×12 Cards In No Time
Ken, in Los Angeles, is no marketing slouch; having recently left working at a large marketing agency in order to pursue his passion for local marketing. He’s done three 9×12’s so far and everything’s going great, with around a 70% recurring rate of advertising already. Highlights 2:20 – A really unique …
Ep32: How Matt Has Sold 250 9×12 Cards Despite Being a Lazy Bum
Two years ago in episode 11, Matthew S. shared how he’d gone from living in a minivan with his wife, daughter, and dog, to putting out over 100 9×12 cards. Matt lives in the Midwest (“dontcha know”) about 20 minutes away from a blue collar city of 80k. So I …
Ep31: Get a Free Design Tool That Will Save Your Butt Over and Over!
AD DESIGN DISASTER NARROWLY AVERTED! CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE AND GET THE AD TOOL FREE! One of the most PITA things when filling 9×12’s or selling postcard-related marketing is not always the process of selling the ads; in fact that might actually be the simple part. It’s managing a dozen …
Episode 30: Updates! Something FREE is coming tomorrow …
Nine months later a new podcast episode is here! Why has it taken me so long to get back to podcasting? I don’t know … between running the office, working with clients, having another kid (six now!), and managing the online stuff as well has made it difficult. But … most …
The Only Website You Need For Launching Your 9×12
So you’re stoked to launch a 9×12 business and area ready to go full-steam ahead. A website is certainly a necessity right? I mean who can be taken seriously without a website these days? Oh and you’ll need an advertising agreement, some informational packets, business cards, and of course a powerful brand name and distinct logo. …
Five Secret Reasons You May Want To Be An S-Corp Instead of LLC
There’s more than a few ‘hidden’ benefits about S-Corps have that I really wish I knew about years ago. These are mostly what accountants, articles, or books don’t seem to talk much about, and get incredibly overlooked. Choosing a business structure is a serious task and if you’re a sole proprietor, sooner or later you’ll want to upgrade to …
The difference between Markup and Margin (and how to calculate it on the fly)
Calculating profit margin is one of the most critical tools you’ll need to understand as a business owner. Unfortunately, most independent marketers don’t have a clue of what it is, confuse it with markup, and even if they know it, can’t calculate it quickly when needed. So I’m going to solve all that for …