There’s no reason you shouldn’t fill as many spaces as you desire on your card, in rapid time. Here’s some helpful tips to keep you on track and ensure your card gets filled:
#1 Prearrange your cards! Like we talked about in the “prearrange” lesson, make sure you’ve got a healthy amount of prospects lined up in lots of niches. This prevents you from having to run around aimlessly talking with random business owners. Get all your niches lined up and prospects ready. This minor prep work will save you SO much time.
#2 Communicate with 10 owners a day. Doesn’t matter how you’re communicating … in person/FB/Email/whatever. Just ask 10 owners a day and you’re going to sell this thing out in no time because of the extremely high closing rate.
#3 ASK IF THEY KNOW SOMEONE ELSE INTERESTED. Whenever you talk to a business owner, at the end (whether they buy or not) ask if they know someone who might want to get on it as well. If you don’t ask this, I promise you’re going to miss out on a ton of sales. Business owners know other business owners, and it’s likely you’ll get them even contacting their friends right on the spot and do the selling for you. Happens all the time. I’ve had times where I couldn’t sell one owner, but they get 2 or 3 others on the card when asked. I’ve even had times where that happened and at the very end I just say “c’mon why don’t you just take a space and see how it goes … and they realize how ridiculous they were for saying no. Turning a no into 3 or 4 yes’s.