The Local Marketing Services You Should Be Selling
These are my methods for getting lots and lots of local marketing clients.
They are BY FAR your best bet for making sales right away.
I so wish I had something like this laid out for me when I started. Consider them to be your “easy sale shortcuts”.
How do I know?
Because I’ve helped thousands of marketers use these, with almost unfailing accuracy, since 2011. When everything else has failed you, my local marketing methods WORK.
And today they’re just as reliable.
How many other methods claim a lifespan like that?
You can listen to success stories on my podcast, and if you’re an elite member, read firsthand reports of successful sales on a near-daily basis in my private facebook group.
Let’s get started.
Easy Sale Shortcuts
Remember the five qualifications for easy sales?
- It packs a lot of value
- It stands out from the crowd
- It’s easy to grasp
- It’s easy to fulfill
- It’s easy for people to buy
These meet all five.
Easy Sale #1
Print Brokering

credit: pixelden
This is really one of the easiest-to-sell services under the sun.
My 14 year old son even does it for side money.
You essentially act as a middleman between a business owner and a printer.
But you don’t need to know anything about printing. It’s outsourced 100% hands-free.
Local Businesses Always Need Printing
Some businesses even spend thousands, even tens of thousands per year on printing. Home improvement companies, for example, can easily spend thousands of dollars at a time printing basic essentials for their reps like business cards, carbonless contract forms, folders, brochures, flyers, etc.
Even the smallest businesses out there are spending money on print.
A quick list off the top of my head of necessities would include:
- Business cards
- Postcards
- Brochures
- Booklets
- Rack Cards
- Flyers
- 2 and 3 part forms
- Letterhead
- Envelopes
- Magnets
- Table Tents
- Banners
The best part is, they run out and have to reorder again!
So How do YOU Make Money From It?
You simply broker the print. You take the orders and send it off to a printer for fulfillment. Arm yourself with a freelance graphic designer and you can also provide any design services needed, like logos and artwork.
You Take All The Credit.
And just where do you find a printer who will work “in the background” for you?
Use mine:
I built my printing company for the sole purpose of helping marketers resell printing and get lower rates than anywhere else published on the internet. I print anywhere from ten to fifty jobs every single day, sold by local marketers just like you.
Anything you see on the site you can offer to your clients, at a healthy markup, and it will arrive looking like it came from your business!
Demand is Unbelievably High
Despite what some idiots think, printing has not disappeared.
The demand for printing is higher than any other local marketing service.
Don’t believe me? Every single day, business owners in your community visit their local print shop/staples/kinkos and pay them a bunch of money to have stuff printed.
How many of them rushing to the local “Website store” or “SEO shop”?
See what I mean?
I love brokering print because it’s hands-off. You simply send what they want printed to your print source and it’s done. When they re-order it’s just a matter of reprinting.
How You’ll Stand Out
Fortunately, it’s easy. Printing companies never reach out to business owners. The most they might do is put a sign on their store window that says “business cards 50% off”, because they know business owners come to them.
But you, the smart marketer, instead come to the business owner. This is devastating for local printers because you’ll grab their business right out from under them.
Most owners are not accustomed to being catered to like this and they love how much time it saves.
Typically, when someone wants things printed they have to go find a designer, find a printer, go to the printer, talk printer things, wait for a quote, go back to the printer, get it printed, go back to the printer to pick it up, etc. It’s a real pain in the pants process. But not with you.
Sometimes I feel bad how local printers are losing business to us brokers but the fact is, if they were smart they’d do the same thing.
Easy Sale #2
Shared Postcard Marketing
I started putting together my own shared postcards seven years ago and it’s working even better today.
This proven system can generate a full-time income within weeks of starting. And it goes hand-in-hand with selling print services. You can offer both at the same time.
A shared postcard is simply a large postcard with multiple advertisers sharing the space. You organize anywhere from 6-18 slots and make $1,000 – $5,000 in the process.
Why a Shared Mailing Crushes Most Any Marketing Channel
I’d like to explain why a shared mailer is extraordinarily powerful.
Let’s take a typical U.S. city — Beavercreek, OH — population 45,000.
Here’s an aerial image (credit GoogleEarth) with its city limits outlined for reference:

Map data ©2018 Google Maps
Inside that city boundary line are all the potential customers for the local businesses in town.
Isn’t it amazing to think how all the advertising money spent, from TV commercials to SEO, is simply an attempt to reach the people residing within a boundary?
You Can Be the Only One Who Reaches Everyone
Postcards are the ultimate message delivery service because it can blanket entire areas and forces the recipients to look at it.
It’s a surefire way to reach large swaths of people. Something impossible any other way.
For lack of a better term, postcards are the shiznit. Every business owner in their right mind would send postcards if it was cheap enough.
The problem is the cost.
Sharing Makes it An Easy Buy
A regular mailing can cost a few thousand, to tens of thousands in dollars. Something most definitely NOT within the budget of most businesses.
“Jumbo” postcards — the ones that really make a statement — can easily cost tens and tens of thousands. Obviously, only the biggest-spenders can afford that kind of horesepower, leaving the small guys out of the picture.
But if you put together a Shared Postcard, the game changes.
You’ll take your postcard and split it up into available ad space– anywhere from 3 to 18 of them. This means a slot on your card will only cost a fraction of what they’d pay if they did it themselves. You’ll use my dirt-cheap printing, and the little known “every door direct” program to cheapen the postage dramatically.
I’ll show you what I mean.
Here are two popular variations of Shared Postards, the M6 and 9×12.
The M6 System
M6 is short for “Mailing 6” because it holds six ads.
(three on the front and three on the back.)
It looks like this:
Like these samples? You can actually buy some of them here to use as prospecting samples.
You mail them to 2,500 local residences (about 5,000 people), in neighborhoods you choose, for around $900 USD total.
But you don’t have to spend any money out of pocket. If you sell each space for a measly $350, you’ll cover the entire cost within the first three ads.
The remaining three spaces will net a profit of $1,000+.
Your clients pay less than fifteen cents per home, and it reaches upwards of 5,000 locals instantly.
Anyone can do it.
Just ask Maxi Cavert, a 65 year old Grandmother who’s battling Lyme Disease and can barely use a computer but sells M6’s over EMAIL ALONE. She never visits anyone. Here’s a recent card of hers:
You can Listen to her interview here.
M6 postcards are a perfect solution to get started with.
All you have to do is sell six spaces and you can move on to the next one. Rinse and repeat.
Feeling adventurous?
Try the big boy, the 9×12 …
The 9×12 System
This is my personal fav.
A 9×12 card is a very large postcard (measuring a monstrous 12″ wide x 9″ tall), that holds an astounding 16-18 ads comfortably.
It’s like a miniature billboard, dwarfing everything in the mailbox and commanding attention like nothing else.
You mail it to either five or ten thousand homes (up to you) and sell each space for $250 – $500.
This results in a $2,500 to $5,000 profit straight to your pocket.
Here’s what the standard layout looks like:
You can purchase physical copies of this unbranded sample pack here for showing business owners.
Think of all the businesses that would never get to take advantage of such an expensive marketing channel like this.
- Salons
- Restaurants
- Pizzerias
- Boutiques
- Jewelers
- Gym’s & Fitness Studios
- Frozen Yogurt & Ice Cream Parlors
- Martial Arts Studios
- Novelty Shops
- Bakeries
Can all suddenly be able to afford this kind of mega-powerful reach. But they can only do it through you.
Look How Much Power You Can Wield:
Let’s take a mom ‘n pop business like Spinoza’s Pizza & Salads.
On Google Earth you see this aerial of their location at the top right:

Map data ©2018 Google
Note all the local homes nearby. They’re all prime targets since they live so close.
By plugging the pizzeria’s address into the USPS “Every Door Direct Mail” tool, you can find how many homes there are:
In the immediate vicinity (a one-mile radius), it shows there’s approximately 3700 residences.
So for $250-$350 they can buy a space on your 9×12 card that will reach EVERY one of those homes (and thousands more).
To understand the kind of scale this reaches, check out this image of just 250 homes:

Map data ©2018 Google
A 2,500 piece M6 would reach TEN TIMES that many in the picture.
A 5,000 piece 9×12 or M6 would reach TWENTY TIMES that many.
A 10k 9×12 would reach a mind-blowing FORTY times that many homes.
All for just a few hundred dollars.
It’s almost unbelievable to think, but it’s true.
That’s why there’s so many success stories over so many years.
Next …
I’ll show you how to get your first clients quickly.
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