Learn the Secrets of a Seven-Year 9x12 Postcard Veteran
Jake "Bob Ross" here and I'm happy to introduce to you one of our longest 9x12 Veterans, Bill Walsh. You may remember him from this podcast episode, which is well worth listening to.
He's been releasing 9x12's for close to 7 years, releasing a card every single month, while working a corporate job that makes him travel 2-3 weeks per month.
And today he's put together a fantastic guide revealing his personal card-filling process!
He blew my expectations away with a 24 page all-meat manual covering everything from picking out territories, to pitching, to closing,and even down to to how he brings the mailings to the Post Office. And he's even included a separate guide on all the objections he gets and how to handle each one.
This is already a must-read for every 9x12 enthusiast out there.
Bill's Story
(Copied from the first page of the guide) ...
"My wife and I had opened a lingerie business in our home town.
This was always a dream of hers.
Our store had been open for six years, but frankly we were struggling.
I tried to help out where I could. My assistance was limited as women are not normally comfortable with men helping them pick out lingerie (try as I did).
I was able to assist in other ways, like putting together the website, claiming Google Places, cleaning up at night, helping with marketing, and other behind the scenes activities.
Seven years ago I happened to be searching the Warrior Forum for ideas on how to market our business. That's when I stumbled upon posts about the 9x12 system. Get other businesses to pay for the marketing of our business.
This was brilliant.
I needed to see if it would work, so I decided to start in an area where I didn't know anyone, so that If I failed I wouldn't be embarrassed. After getting everything together, I hit the streets.
It worked!
In fact, the first business I even approached signed up.
Since August, 2012, when I officially started, I have mailed out a 9x12 postcard every month.
And I have a full-time corporate job. One that requires me to travel anywhere from 2-3 weeks a
month. I Leave on Monday and come home on Friday.
So I have always had to be extremely organized in my time, especially when starting out.
About a year after my first postcard, my marriage started falling apart. We closed the lingerie store in 2015 as it just was not sustainable. My wife and I ended up getting divorced.
I have 3 children with whom I have shared custody. That means three kids to pay Child Support for. And in addition, of course I got socked with paying spousal support (no longer called alimony).
My take home pay was basically cut in half.
And I had to find a new place to live.
I was left with peanuts on which to live. Without the 9x12 system, I would have been in almost uniminaginably deep financial trouble.
But with help from this postcard alone, it has literally allowed me to maintain my lifestyle and pay for my oldest son’s college education. In addition, I took all 3 children to Paris in February 2018 for winter break. "

Bill & His Kids This February in Paris
(courtesy of his 9x12 Side Business!)
So since Bill doesn't really want to bother with, nor necessarily know how to put his guide up properly for sale, he asked me to co-produce and offer it EXCLUSIVELY to our 9x12 community members like you.
Inside this straight-shooter manual you'll find:
Here's What's Included ...
Topics Covered
- Everything You Need to "Get Started" -
- How to Pick Territories -
- Finding the Easiest Buyers -
- How to Dress (You probably won't believe what he wears) -
- "DO NOTS" and What You Really Should Be Staying Away From Doing -
- Materials You'll Need -
- Pitching, and Closing -
Written in a Truly Refreshing Style
One thing you'll find about this manual is something you rarely encounter:
The fact that it's written with no hype or embellishment.
Since Bill isn't a "product creator" he doesn't need to amplify anything, he simply serves his personal process up to you on a plate, ready to eat and digest.
That's something simply not found today, and another reason you'll appreciate having this document at your disposal.
You Get TWO Great Bonuses:
Bill's Designer Worksheet
Bill's SEVEN page PDF of The Most Common Objections & Responses!
"The Objection Guide is Worth It Alone!"
In this bonus guide, you get a jam-packed 7 page PDF with common 9x12 objections and his personal responses to them.
How many of objections and responses total are included?
57 Objections & Responses!
All bundled up for you in one separate document. It's yours if you want it.
I couldn't believe that he wanted to include it when I saw it. So I'm very happy you can pick it up for this one low price.
Pick it Up Now
Important Disclaimer
This product is requires you to have a basic understanding of the 9x12 Shared Postcard System. If you currently understand what the "9x12 Postard System" is, then you'll be fine. If you don't, then first learn it here.
Additionally, please acknowledge that we do not make any claim, nor guarantee any specific results, profit, sales, or anything of that matter. This is simply a training document for people looking to enhance their local marketing postcard business. Your results may vary.
Due to the digital format and instant delivery of this product, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. Should you have any questions before purchase, please don't hesitate to email Bill or I at [email protected]