Episode 1: The High Response Marketing Show is LIVE!

Jake LorraineBusiness Tips, Marketing Show

Well, let’s see how this goes!

I’ve decided to make a youtube show, four days a week, about local marketing. Monday through Thursday, at 11am Eastern, you’ll find a new episode on my youtube channel High Response Marketing. I’ve noticed there really isn’t any devoted channel on youtube or spotify (that I know of) that teaches local businesses how to market themselves better.

“What do You Mean There’s No One Else!?”

Before you say things like:

“Jake, there’s tons of people, like Gary Vee and Grant Cardone and more who do that!”

But they don’t really do that, they cater to entrepreneurs in general, not specifically local brick & mortar owners. Becuase my businesses revolves around those who own their own bakery, law office, boutique, remodeling business, etc. I see how truly helpless they can be because there’s simply no clear resource out there that’s focused on them.

And before some of you think of it … yes there’s other marketers on youtube who teach marketing to marketers … but again, that’s gearing the content towards marketers, not straight to the business owners. If you’re watching my show as a current student or member of mine, you’re going to learn just as much!

Marketers are Local Business Owners Too

Don’t forget us marketing professionals are all local business owners ourselves. All the tips with marketing, processes & systems, shortcuts, hacks, loopholes, and more will be just as useful to you I promise.

Tune in, hit the youtube subscribe button, and let me know how you like the new format. I’m excited.