If you’re looking for an easy way to make money while helping local businesses, the 9×12 postcard system might be just what you need. The idea is simple: you design big, eye-catching postcards with ads from several businesses and mail them out to thousands of homes. Ready to dive in? …
EDDM Postcards MUST Have These 5 Things for 2025
Five things you must do if you’re designing Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards: 1. Make the Design POP Your postcard design should be visually striking and stand out in a pile of mail. Use big visuals, bold headlines, and vibrant colors to ensure it grabs attention. Avoid small, colorless …
Making Less Than $1M in Local Business? Just Do This.
If you’re not making a million dollars in sales yet for your small local business, this guide is for you. I’m confident you can achieve this milestone within the next 12 months, and here’s how to do it. Keep your strategy under wraps initially—people may think you’re crazy until they …
Ep 51: How I would make $5k to $10k NEXT Month, Even if I was Broke. (and You Can Too).
In today’s postcast I talk in specific detail, how I’d make $5,000 to $10,000 in profit, from scratch, zero startup cost, literally by next month. You can do this too.
Ep50: How Monica Sells Postcards from Home Using ONLY Email
Monica in South Carolina shares her system of selling shared postcards using literally 100% email alone and never meeting anyone in person.
Ep48: How Stay at Home Dad Kevin Sells 9×12’s from home using email and messenger
In today’s episode I’ve got Kevin Dyke, a stay-at-home dad from Massachussets that wanted to sell spaces without having to leave his house. So working hard on developing an email and FB messenger script, he refined it to where he’s able to sell all 17 spaces remotely — and with …
Ep 47: I got a Small Business SEO Wizard to Tell us Everything About SEO for Local Businesses
Guest Nick Ponte on the show today, who runs Hawaii’s most successfuly (in my opinion) SEO/Digital Marketing Agency. I asked him to give us all the tips, tricks, and truth about SEO for small business.