Let’s Chat!
Hello, and thank you for picking up Bruce’s product under my recommendation!
**** technically you are way over the 50th to pick this up … BUT … I have not scheduled
50 calls yet, so hit me up asap to lock down a time! (see below).
As promised, I’d like to spend a few minutes on the phone with you to share the industry we’re targeting the most right now — due to its insanely high response.
Because there will be a LOT of calls scheduled, I can’t chat with you for long time, but I certainly want to talk with you. I could have easily just said I’ll email you or I’ll
I could have easily just said I’ll email you or written a short report on it, but you know what … I think it’s good to speak in person sometimes.
How to Schedule a Call …
Email me at [email protected] and let me know what days/times you have a few minutes where I can call you (and give me your number of course).
[important] you’ll need to put: RTC somewhere in the subject line, so I know you got it from this page and so I can tag my emails accordingly so yours won’t get lost.
Let’s talk soon!
Jake “bob ross”