Thank You! Here's a Special Offer ...
Want Bill's Legendary 9x12 Sales Letters?
As you may know, Bill gets a sizable chunk of his postcard space filled by sending sales letters out in the mail. And our members have been clamoring him to offer them up for years.
And for good reason, he nearly always gets new clients when he mails them. It's as simple of a process as it comes. These letters pack such a punch that he sees response often coming in within just a few days of mailing them out.
(Of course there's no guarantee you would experience the same, but it works for Bill).
These letters are long-form multi-page beauties that have NEVER been shared with anyone until now.
And they can be all yours during this brief window of time that he's allowing me to offer them to you for such a discounted price.
You Can Use Them Right Away
It's all ready. You can just swap out your information.
Now, let me get this straight first though ... there's nothing wrong with traditional prospecting methods, like cold calling, knocking on doors, networking, etc.
It's just nice to have something that goes to work for you, allowing you to focus on more important things than prospecting.
That's the real power and beautify of direct mail. And why it's still the #1 marketing channel in existence (by a landslide).
These Would Cost You Thousands to Create Yourself
Letters of this caliber would cost you thousands of dollars in copywriting fees to make. Unquestionably. And they wouldn't even have any results behind them, you'd be rolling the dice to see if they'd even work.
Instead of a crapshoot, why not use the proven letters that someone has already seen (and continues to see) repeatedly outstanding success with?
I don't think anyone, myself included, has a sales letter that even remotely comes close to how powerful Bill's is. The fact that he's had such tremendous response from owners over so many years is just unbeatable.
And better yet, get them for a small fraction of what you'd pay to have even a draft composed by a competent copywriter.
But Bill's also including an additional sales letter he uses (so you get TWO for the price of one), and has even included an A to Z guide on using the letters to their full potential.
All written in the same style as the 9x12 guide, which is simply a documented process of what he does daily. No hype or embellishment. Just straight working information.
And perhaps best of all, no details left out.
Get Them Now
How long these will remain available, I don't know.
What I do know is that the value of these letters is not only incredibly high, but that the opportunity of owning a set of proven, currently-in-use sales letters like this just doesn't come up very often.
If you can swing it, this is a no-brainer investment.
NO PROBLEM. Simply Go Here.
"The Objection Guide is Worth It Alone!"
Due to the digital format and instant delivery of this product, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. Should you have any questions before purchase, please don't hesitate to email Bill or I at [email protected] or if you're in our elite facebook group, message Bill directly.
Additionally, please acknowledge that we do not make any claim, nor guarantee any specific results, profit, sales, or anything of that matter. This is simply information for people looking to enhance their local marketing business. Your results may vary.